Sunday, August 2, 2009

Baby tooth that never fell out?

I'm 23 years old and I have a baby tooth on my left side that never came out. The dentist said it is because my adult tooth grew in sideways and became stuck. I was told that if it falls out I could get braces to help the adult tooth come in. Is there any other option that might be cheaper than braces such as a false tooth because I do not want to be missing a tooth.

Baby tooth that never fell out?
If you want straight teeth, braces is the best way to go. Consult your dentist about getting a fake tooth. My aunt has one and you can tell its fake and it hurts terrible if you get it fully inserted. I would just go with brace if I were you. Good luck!

my bird

Continue of what ur dreams mean?


To dream of falling indicates a loss of emotional equilibrium or self-control. It may represent your insecurity, a lack of self-confidence, a fear of failure or an inability to cope with a situation.

If you fall a long distance in your dream and get hurt, be prepared for really hard times ahead; but if you fall and are not injured your upsets will be minor and temporary.


To dream that you are confronted or threatened by a gang signifies circumstances or situations in your waking life which are overwhelming and you feel have ganged up on you.


To see a vegetable garden in your dream symbolizes increased prosperity will come your way through diligence and care. It also suggests of stability and inner growth.

To see a flower garden in your dream foretells of tranquility, comfort, true love and happy home in your future.

To see a sparse, weed-infested garden denotes that you have neglected your spiritual needs.


To dream of gloves means that you will have a lawsuit or business troubles, but you will settle them in a manner that satisfies you.

To find a pair of gloves denotes a marriage or new love affair.


Dreaming about hair means that you are careless in your personal affairs and will lose advancement by neglecting mental application.


For a woman to dream of going to a hairdresser shows she will soon be entangled in some family scandal concerning the morals of a member of her family. Should she have her hair dyed, she will narrowly escape imprisonment.

For a man to dream of a hairdresser will presage much gossip or a need to dominate a beautiful woman.


If you dream of eating ham then you will lose something that means a lot to you.


To dream of eating honey foretells that you will attain wealth and love.


Sitting on ice in your dreams is a dream of the contrary.


Eating, making, selling or serving ice cream suggests that you are feeling contentment and satisfaction in your life.


To dream that your lover is in jail signifies that this lover is deceitful and untrustworthy.

To dream that you are in jail signifies your feelings of confinement and suffocation.


If you dream of eating jam you will suffer embarrassment at the hands of a woman through no fault of your own.


Seeing a kangaroo in your dreams foretells unexpected and exciting trips.


To dream of keys denotes unexpected change. If the keys are lost, unpleasant adventures will affect you. To find keys means domestic peace and success in business.


If you dreamed of killing someone, whether intentionally or by accident, it signifies a period of severe emotional stress during which you must make a heroic effort to control your temper.


To dream of receiving a letter from a friend foretells their arrival or that you will hear from them soon.


A light shining out of the dark, or a flashlight beam, shows that you will finally find the truth in a situation or the answer to a personal problem that you have been

searching for. If the light is dim, you will only find part of the solution.


Any form of magic in a dream predicts unexpected changes.

To dream of being mystified and/or amused by a magician indicates a reunion with a long-lost friend or the rekindling of a past love affair.


Dreaming of a marriage, or a wedding, is the sign of a death in the family. If the marriage was between strangers, then the death pertains to a not too close acquaintance or friend.


Dreaming of mice foretells domestic troubles or that business affairs will assume a discouraging tone.

If you dream of a mouse jumping on you or getting in your clothing, then you will be involved in a scandal with a friend.


To dream of a monkey denotes that you have deceitful friends who will flatter you to advance their own interests.


A dream featuring the neck is a sign of approaching money, unless the dream concerned a broken neck, in which case it is a warning against mismanagement of your affairs.


If you dream of losing a necklace you will soon be suffering bereavement of a loved one.

If you dream your loved one places a necklace around your neck or that you are wearing one, it shows an early marriage and a happy domestic life.


To find a needle predicts that you will have friends who appreciate you.

To look for a needle foretells useless worries.


To dream of an old, spreading oak means long life and prosperity. If it is filled with acorns you are due a promotion or some type of increase in your life.

If a newlywed sees many oak trees in a forest it foretells a long marriage and many children.


If you dream you are standing on shore and watching the waves foam up as they break over the beach foretells that you will have some narrow escape from an accidental injury.

If you are far out on the ocean and hear the waves as they lap against the hull of the ship, you will have setbacks in your business and a troubled domestic scene.

To sail on a calm ocean is always a good omen for all concerned.


To dream of an owl denotes a narrow escape from desperate illness or death.


To dream of a raccoon warns you to be on your guard.. To see a raccoon in your dream shows that people are presenting false faces to you in your everyday life.

To be chased by a raccoon shows that a person you thought a friend has turned on you and now works behind your back for your downfall.


Take this dream as a warning. Take precautions, protect yourself emotionally and physically and don't engage in careless behaviors.


If a woman dreams of receiving a rose and places it in her hair then will she be deceived by someone thought of as a good friend.

If she receives a bouquet of roses in the Springtime she will find true love but if it is winter her search will be fruitless.

To see a rose bush in full foliage denotes a wedding in the family.


Dream of running: a sign of a big change in your life.


To see a lone snake and feel threatened by it shows that you have a bad enemy that is working against you, it also a warning against bodily harm from an enemy.

To dream of many snakes in a pit is the foreboding of much bad luck in love or business.

Should you overcome and kill a threatening snake in your dream shows that you will overcome your adversary and win out.


All spiders except tarantulas are omens of good luck. The larger the spider, the bigger the rewards.

If you see a spider climbing the wall you will have your dearest wish come true.

If you see a spider spinning a web you will have an increase in your income due to hard work.


If you dream you are a tattoo artist and you are tattooing someone's body you will soon break with friends or family over strange practices.

If you dream you are the one being tattooed you will become the target for a strangers jealousy but if you see someone else with tattoos then you will take a long, hard journey from home.


To dream that you are thirsty for tea means that you will be surprised with uninvited guests.


If you dream of having false teeth this indicates that you will have unexpected help on a problem.

To dream of rotten teeth shows that you have been telling someone a lie or using your smooth words for getting your own way.

If your teeth are rotten, crooked, and/or falling out this means that your lies are hurting someone very badly and that you will soon be found out.

If you dream you have swallowed a tooth you will soon have too 'eat your words'


Carrying a closed umbrella in the rain is highly unfortunate for the dreamer and his business plans.

To dream of carrying an open umbrella in the rain is a very fortunate sign that speaks of good luck in most endeavors.

A leaky umbrella denotes quarrels with loved ones.


Dreaming of clear water is a sign of great good luck and prosperity, a dream of muddy water foretells sadness or sorry for the dreamer through hearing of an illness or death of someone he/she knows well.

Dirty water warns of unscrupulous people who would bring you to ruin.


To dream of yarn shows you will soon become the wife of a wealthy man.

Continue of what ur dreams mean?
Thank you for the advice, but I do not understand how that is a question.

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Gum disease?

I have had gum disease problems since i was a kid. Now that I'm older my dentist says my teeth are getting lose and I should consider getting them pulled and getting false teeth. She says I'm having bone loss. I was thinking about checking into permanent teeth but unsure if i would even be a right candidate for this plus the price seems to be out of reach. I regret that in my younger days I didn't do more to control this problem but it seems to late now. Any suggestions. I just don't want to have problems eating with false teeth as some friends I know have. Is there any other procedures that can be done that makes artificial teeth stay in place better? Any advice would be appreciated.

Gum disease?
Periodontal disease is heredity mostly. you can start working on your gums. Brush your gums but, not away from your teeth. Glyoxide is a peroxide type of mouth disinfectant. this works good around gums and also lightens your teeth. You should call around and find out who in your town has an ultrasonic cavitron this will get your gums on the right path without periodontal surgery. You must be ready to begin a whole different regiment of tooth brushing/gum brushing. You can save your teeth if u do this. Remember do bot brush your gums away from your teeth. this will do more harm. you want to stimulate your gums so they will regrow around your teeth. This should hold your teeth in you want to get your gums so that they do not bleed. no matter how hard u brush. I had a spot that i was told would not regrow but i worked it until it regenerated healthy stimulation and circulation i believe works because it did heal on me and it as getting very serious. Remember to brush all your gums and teeth. don't get slack in this. Don't get in a bad routine of not brushing. or even missing a spot. it could be detrimental to your teeth. Good luck. If u don't understand write me and I'll try to be more specific. Happy brushing, start with a child or soft brush.

my cat

I may have to get dentures...husband freaked out?

I'm 36 years old, and due to bad's quite possible that I will have to get dentures. I've already had several teeth pulled, including most of my molars and two teeth toward the top front. My husband insists that I only need bridges for the front teeth that I'm missing. But the rest of my teeth are so bad that I really think it'd be a waste of money to even mess with the bridges.

Anyway, when I mentioned the dentures to my husband, he freaked out and said that he "couldn't be married to someone with false teeth." He says that he's not shallow, but there's just something about dentures that he can't handle.

I'm at a loss. I thought that marriage was for better or worse, and don't a lot of people lose their teeth while growing old together? I know I'm young to lose all of my teeth...but as far as I'm concerned, it's better than looking like a snaggle tooth (the way I do now).

Should I be upset? Should he? How do I handle this??

I may have to get dentures...husband freaked out?
I'm 34 and due to bad genes last month I had to get an upper denture. My husband didn't freak out he just wanted me to have some self confidence something my bad teeth had caused a lack of. You can't tell thery're fake they look great. My husband hasn't seen me without them and I plan to keep it that way. I received my denture the same day my teeth were pulled. My mouth was pretty sore at first I even lost 7lbs so far. Keep your head , up your husband should want what makes you happy . It's not like you want him to take you out dancing without your teeth. Good Luck!!!!!!
Reply:If you can afford to save the back teeth you should. Once themolars are removed bone resorption sets in. Over a long span of time You willloose you jaw structure.

A bridge is always the option of choice over complete dentures.

Dr. C
Reply:This really upsets me, if he wasnt shallow it wouldnt bother him. I dont want to sound mean but what the hell does it matter if you loose all your teeth as long as he has you so it shouldnt matter if you get dentures. You cant help it that you have to get dentures and if he doesnt understand that then hes just an *** to me. And if he doesnt want you after you get them find someone else that will.
Reply:Tell your husband to GROW UP!

My mom had all her teeth pulled at 42 because of genetic gum disease, has beautiful dentures and you can't even tell the difference at all.
Reply:what a ******* ajck ***. to him you should be beautiful no matter what. %26amp; it is for better or worse. trust me there are a lot worse things than ******* dentures. and its a lot better for you and im sure more comforting then having to get teeth pulled and all that other bullshit. if hes being serious, and cant stay married to you over that i dont know why you married him in the first place. you deserve someone amazing who will stick with you through everything!
Reply:He says he's not shallow, well, he IS being shallow...You guys need to sit down and talk, and maybe go to a councilor....that's no reason to leave a person!
Reply:i was around 30 when i had my dentures best thing i ever did, he should be supportive if he wont acccept you then leave him
Reply:I think you should remind him that one day he too will loose his teeth, and I am sure you will stay with him. Everyone eventually looses their teeth its what happens in life. My husband doesn't have wonderful teeth and trust me girl half the time his breath is horrible but I love the off and he should love you too. I think once you get the dentures he will be pleasantly surprised of how great you woll look and oh the enloyment he could have when you took them out, (if you know what I mean)

Good luck!!!!
Reply:first of all, i'd love to know how your husband would know you "only need bridges"... is he a dentist?

hon, really, you can't help it if you need dentures, and the truth is, your bad genes are NOT your fault! Gum issues and disease caused from bad teeth can affect other things in your body, including your heart and circulatory system.

YES your husband IS shallow...

You aren't too young to lose your teeth -- many people get dentures at a young age... it has nothing to do with your character or the type of person you are, and im' sure you're a great person with many wonderful qualities.

I'll also bet you will look lovely with your new teeth.

Your husband needs to learn about acceptance... it seems you've matured, and he's still a kid....
Reply:Yes you should be upset. He is shallow and an insensitive jerk. He should love you no matter what and dentures are not that big of a deal. Tell him to grow up.
Reply:Of course you should be upset, you are more than your teeth. My mother had to get dentures at a very young age and you'd never know. She only takes them out to clean them, she even sleeps with them. You should probably do everything you can to save the remaining teeth. My mom wishes she could bite into an apple. Talk to your dentist and just do what's best for your health. If he can't handle it I'm sure there might be bigger things that he can't handle either. If he can't handle something as minor as this, well, that's his problem. Good luck :)
Reply:How the hell can a man who put up with a woman with a mouth full of rotten teeth try to be so picky????
Reply:How I can put this..Have you talk to him about not wearing your dentures and how beneficial it could for him be when you two get the freak on?. I bet you he'll like that.. ;)

They won't be any teeth scratching or getting on the way. Hopefully he'll start looking at you in a different way. grinnn :-))

On a serious note. He has issues..this your health you are talking about. For better or for worst?.gezzz what's up with that?

Good luck.
Reply:Yikes, my brother is facing a similar situation in the future and he will be right around your age! (I thought this might make you feel a little less alone). I don't think dentures have a whole lot of sex appeal, but if you don't have any other choice, I don't see what else you could do. My brother is considering getting dental implants in Mexico when the time comes for him, but I'm not sure that is a great idea....

(For those who are suggesting she pays for dental implants up here, they are not covered by insurance companies and cost a fortune. Also, not all people are candidates for this.) However, if you are very well off you may want to check into this, if you haven't already. Also, maybe give your husband a little bit of time to adjust to this...he was incredibly insensitive, but hopefully he'll come around.

I hope you aren't offended by this, but because of my brother's situation, I'd be very interested to hear how this turns out for you.
Reply:I'm 33 and have a upper denture plate best thing i ever did and it wasn't that my teeth were bad i broke a front tooth and it would have cost me more to fix it then to have them all pulled. If you can afford it try veneers or the ones they screw in. I met my husband right before i broke my tooth he stayed though the teeth pulling and doesn't mind the dentures at all remind him of the pleasure he can get from you being able to take the teeth out lol....Honestly though he is being shallow he should want whats best for you and make you feel compy with it
Reply:Tell your husband that I told that he was a "jerk"...I'll laugh out loud by the time he looses all his teeth...

Don't worry I'll curse him for you...just to give him a little lesson...hahaha
Reply:you have every right to be upset. It was a very mean thing to say. ANd i know what your going through on the bad teeth part. only i am 16 yrs younger and facing a similar situation. only my problem is the enamel on my teeth is very weak.

I have pulled up a couple sites you might be interested in.

i have found myself looking into everything like this.Hope it helps and good luck
Reply:Your husband is shallow, selfish, insensitive and, quite frankly, an asshole.

Have you considered dental implants in place of the missing teeth? They're permanent, natural looking, and are NOT dentures.

If the jackass you're married to will fund the treatment, then it might be a viable alternative.
Reply:Tell him it could be him one day and he should not judge you
Reply:Why don't you knock all his teeth out then tell him you can't be with a dude who has dentures and see what he says then? Freaking looser of a husband you got.
Reply:Take him with you to the dentist so he can discuss it with him. Maybe if he knows everything that it would entail and that the teeth would look natural he would be fine with it. I hope so. You may also want to gently remind him of the "for better or worse, till death do us part" aspect of your vows. Sure, this is kinda "for worse" but it sure as heck isn't "death parting us"! Maybe he needs a bit of perspective. Just be nice about it.
Reply:I've met people who were in their early 20's who have dentures; some people have great teeth-others not. I think it is best to keep your teeth and go for bridges if you are able, but if not - so what. And I've heard from men that women who remove their dentures while 'having fun' with the men; you know performing oral - are awesome; they said it was the best they ever had. Tell him to look on the bright side - You'll look better and he'll 'feel' better.
Reply:well I recieved the same response from my husband,I am in the process of getting CROWNS--he said no wife of his will have dentures!!!!!!if you have a school of dentistry in you area see if they are accepting patients--there are many other avenues to help you as well if you can not afford it..And do not feel ashamed!!Before you know it you will be smiling from ear to ear
Reply:Just curious as to why implants have not been discussed as an option???
Reply:Save all the remaining teeth you can to stave off bone resorption.

Save up a lot of money and ask about implants. I don't know what "genes" you are talking about (osteogenesis imperfecta, dentinogenesis imperfecta, other?) but if implants are an option for you then definitely save up some cash for that OR have yourself a fundraiser if you truly are losing your teeth due to a genetic disorder.

Hope that helps.

You might have to get a partial in the meantime and your husband will just have to deal with it. :)

family nanny

Okay, this is a long question so get ready ...?

Right - I have a buried tooth in my gums that is a canine tooth. I need surgery to pull it down and braces to help it. I also have my two eye teeth missing and in the place of one of my eye teeth is a canine tooth which shouldn't be there. I also need braces to move that into the right place. Then, because my eye teeth are missing, once the canine teeth are in the right place i will need a bridge (a false tooth) in place.

I'm nervous and i don't know whether i should go through with it. I know i should but just thinking about it makes me feel weird.

The braces will have to be on for about 2 and a half years.

What should I do?

Okay, this is a long question so get ready ...?
Wow Morgan, thats a lot to get through, but just think how bad off you will be if you don't do it! If you are really unsure, maybe ask if you can go to another dentist and see if he says the same things are needed, just to be sure. Sometimes braces aren't just about how your teeth will look, they can be important to make sure you can chew and eat correctly.
Reply:If you are young of course

If you are 65 well, I wouldn't
Reply:if u feel it is right for you you should have it done.
Reply:hide yourself in your room for 2 and a half years. Go out only on haloween and dress as vampire
Reply:knock all out or adjust to the pain every two to three weeks I did have some ugly teeth too when I was younger @15-16 had the ugly braces back then You all got it good now. Oh and the pain is the same. Other wise get dentures never woprry about cavities or going brown. I really like my Coffee and hot chocalates haha Good luck lil one. You will know what to do.
Reply:YOU MUST BE INSANE TO SAY YOU DONT KNOW IF YOU SHOULD GET IT....OF COURSE YOU SHOULD. i dont know how old you are but can you imagine your teeth grown out all out-of-place? are you going to want to be going around college looking like that? or just go through the fear and pain and what ever else is going through your mind now, so when you are older your mouth will be beautiful! come on dont you think a pretty smile is worth more that what your scared of? get it over with and later down the line your going to ask yourself "what was i thinking not want to go through with it?!?!?!" haha good luck, be brave!
Reply:It all depends if you'll mind wearing braces and how important your teeth are to you. If you think your smile is very important then this would all be worth while. If it;s not that important to you,, then most likely this is a waste of your time and money/
Reply:follow your tooth/teeth doctor's orders that is his feild of expertise.Different from a medical doctor I can imagine that is why it may take years to become an physician in the medical field.Dentist schooling may be long as well

my dog

Implants advise please?

Hi I had both my front teeth fractured (accident) and the dentist has advised me to have implants but a friend off mine was saying that her mum had this done and she had problems,they became loose and kept having to have more filler stuff put in,well I'm having my two teeth taken out next week,they are held with a splint thing at the mo,so what i am asking is,do you know about implants and is it really painfull because i'm having the screw things put in then i have to wear false teeth for about 3-4 months till they heal then have theeth screwed in but the price is £3,500,plus £195 which i've already paid for treatment i've had (ie my not so very sexy false teeth ),so advise please or should i just get a nice little jar to put the false ones in at night and anew car ;)

Implants advise please?
I don't know how long ago your friends Mom had her Implant(s) done, but if it was a very long time ago, I know things have changed. I have seen some that were done many years ago fail also, but it was due to the type that was being used and things loosened up over time. I do not know what kind they use where you live and there are lots of different kinds out there. We use a Company called 3I, they stand behind their product.

I hope that you are having the procedure done by a Periodontist or a Oral Surgeon. I work in a dental office with a Periodontist 1 day a week and we do lots of Dental Implants and the majority of patients have very little discomfort after the surgery. Some do fail and we have to redo them. Basically your body need to except this devise..kind of like having a kidney transplant. Most cases we do that are done to patients front teeth due to injury we do the extraction (remove teeth), and do what we call a bone graft. Bone graft is demineralized bone sometimes human, it is perfectly safe...ours comes from the American Red Cross. The reason for doing this is to fill in the hole where the teeth were, this helps to reinforce your existing bone and gives us a more solid foundation to place the Implants. We usually do not do immediate implants, but that is not to say we never do them. We would let everything heal for several months first. The patient would wear a removable appliance (with the missing teeth on it) until the permanent Implant hardware and crowns can be made.

Treatment Plan for Implants/extractions:

1) Impressions to make removable appliance (flipper)

2) Extraction and Bone Graft, insert flipper

3) Several appts to check healing and to make adjustments on the flipper. Might take some xrays of the surgical site to see how things are healing.

4) Implant surgery - Implant gets screwed into bone and a cover screw placed into that.

5) Several appts to check healing and to make sure that Implant is taking. Poss need to adjust flipper.

6) Healing Abutment phase... If tissue has grown over the cover screw as it usually does it will have to be uncovered 1st. Remove cover screw and screw in heal abut.

7) Remove heal abut place som implant hardware and take impression

8) Insert Implant hardware and crowns.

The whole process takes about 1 year maybe a bit longer or less depending on healing. If the teeth are removed and implant surgery is done at this visit it cuts down the total process time to about 6 - 8 months, again depends on the healing. It is not always a good idea to rush these cases.

I hope this helps and sorry it is so long.

Good Luck and if you need more info don't hessitate to ask.
Reply:The relatively new implants are a marvoulous thing, especially for young people. To wear "false teeth" is acceptable but to each his own.

There are two methods of installing implants. One is the "quick way" where they put the teeth on the screwed in posts pretty soon after the screws go in. The problem is they dont get a chance to heal into the gum and bone before you start chewing on them and they start moving. The best way is to wait like your dentist suggests. That way they will last a lifetime. A new car is nice but will only last a few years. Your smile is with you forever. Good Luck


Has this ever happened to you by any chance?

A dinner speaker was in such a hurry to get to his engagement that when he arrived and sat down at the head table, he suddenly realized that he had forgotten his false teeth.

Turning to the man next to him he said, "I forgot my teeth." The man said, "No problem." With that he reached into his pocket and pulled out a pair of false teeth. "Try these," he said.

The speaker tried them. "Too loose," he said. The man then said, "I have another pair...try these." The speaker tried them and responded, "Too tight." The man was not taken back at all. He then said, "I have one more pair of false teeth...try them."

The speaker said, "They fit perfectly." With that he ate his meal and gave his address. After the dinner meeting was over, the speaker went over to thank the man who had helped him. "I want to thank you for coming to my aid. Where is your office? I've been looking for a good dentist."

The man replied, "I'm not a dentist. I'm the local undertaker."

Has this ever happened to you by any chance?
wearing a dead mans teeth, that's even worse than taking clothes out of a dead man's closet ! I know I watched as others rummaged through my dad's house.Just shook my head and left.
Reply:lmao heard of a bereavement this morning, but this joke really cheered me up. thank you.

thats pretty good
Reply:What was your question exactly? I guess that's why us old folks should wear Depends, for when we laugh at these hilarious jokes. Too funny....NOT.
Reply:That is a very funny story.

Preposterous...... but funny.
Reply:thats funny tell another joke.
Reply:No. Can't say it's ever happened to me, but my ex-husband forgot his a few times.
Reply:Now if the guy started talking about things the dead guy did it would have been even funnier.
Reply:It hasn't happened to me, YET. But I still have mine.

I've bought lots of clothes at the Goodwill and other Thrift stores and we know that a lot of them are "Dead man clothes." After my dad dies, I inherited his Stetson cowboy hat and wear it proudly. What's wrong with that?

GOOD joke, thanks.....
Reply:Dan Bueno, I've been getting such a kick out of reading your stuff! Now, I LOVE Goodwill (or rather I did) - I never thought about any of the clothing there being from people who had passed! Thanks for ruining a very good thing for me! (Oh, what the hey, I'll be back! Can't resist a bargain!) And Susie S. - you are always such a character!
Reply:Suzie - this is a real HOOT - thanks for the really good laugh!


And a star for you!
Reply:Oh my Gosh! That is too cute!
Reply:Ewwww!!! I'm off to brush my teeth as soon as I can stop laughing!!
Reply:Thank my original chompers it hasn't even happened to me on purpose. guffaw snort
Reply:I thought it was very funny Suzie.
Reply:was it the tooth 30 ty
Reply:ROFL . Thanks suzie . It's 3:00 am where I am and I laughed so loud I might have woken my husband....... No I didn't so I'm copying it for when he wakes.

Some folks need to lighten up, it's just a joke.
Reply:I wonder where he dug them up from, another gem, your a diamond.

I knew a man who used to remove his false teeth to eat and he would slip them under the table cloth.One day we heard a gnawing from under the table and when we looked his dog was chewing the teeth!

loan forum

Teething troubles?

A dinner speaker was in such a hurry to get to his engagement that when he arrived and sat down at the head table, he suddenly realized that he had forgotten his false teeth. Turning to the man next to him, he said, "I forgot my teeth."

The man said, "No problem."

With that, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a pair

of false teeth. "Try these," he said.

The speaker tried them. "Too loose," he said.

The man then said, "I have another pair... try these."

The speaker tried them and responded, "Too tight."

The man was not taken back at all. He then said, "I have one more pair of false teeth... try them."

The speaker said, "They fit perfectly."

With that he ate his meal and gave his address. After the

dinner meeting was over, the speaker went over to thank the

man who had helped him.

"I want to thank you for coming to my aid. Where is your

office? I've been looking for a good dentist."

The man replied, "I'm not a dentist. I'm the local undertaker."

Teething troubles?
oh bugger...i bet that guys choppers fell right outta his mouth!! then the undertaker would say. "AW! I JUST CLEANED THOSE!" or something...sry just some funnny, random thots..good one!

Its a cracker
Reply:pmsl hahaha

very funny*
Reply:nice one .lol

myspace layouts

Another joke,,,,hahahaha or booo!!!??? Star for hahaha pls?

A dinner speaker was in such a hurry to get to his engagement that when he arrived and sat down at the head table, he suddenly realized that he had forgotten his false teeth.

Turning to the man next to him he said, "I forgot my teeth." The man said, "No problem." With that he reached into his pocket and pulled out a pair of false teeth. "Try these," he said.

The speaker tried them. "Too loose," he said. The man then said, "I have another pair...try these." The speaker tried them and responded, "Too tight." The man was not taken back at all. He then said, "I have one more pair of false teeth...try them."

The speaker said, "They fit perfectly." With that he ate his meal and gave his address. After the dinner meeting was over, the speaker went over to thank the man who had helped him. "I want to thank you for coming to my aid. Where is your office? I've been looking for a good dentist."

The man replied, "I'm not a dentist. I'm the local undertaker."

Another joke,,,,hahahaha or booo!!!??? Star for hahaha pls?
Good one!!! =D lololololol
Reply:1 out 3 ain't bad, but you still a "boo!!!"



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I have dentures but im 15? DENTISTS help?

i have a problem wiht my teeth, where, with SOME of the teeth once the little teeth fell out there arent any buds to grow new 'adult' teeth. so i have to wear 'false teeth'. it makes them look better, but i hate it.

i wear it every day, because i hate how i look with out it, and its alright to wear, i just hate the fact i have to wear one.

i also have a problem where my bottom teeth come further forward than my top teeth, and i cant get the top teeth to go over them. i dont think i need surgery for that, but will i need a brace?

and if i had a brace will i be able to wear my dentures?

[but, my orthodontist (spelling?) said i could get a bracefixed because i dont have enough 'adult' or big enough teeth to fix it on to]

do you have any idea whats going to happen?


I have dentures but im 15? DENTISTS help?
Hi, I'm a dentist in the USA.

It sounds like you are a complex restorative case. For someone like you I would recommend you communicate what you want out of treatment (what are the goals of your treatment?) to your general dentist and determine a plan, coordinated with an oral surgeon and orthodontist, to determine what can be done to fix your problems. Surgery does sound like an option for you, but you could also benefit from dental implants and further orthodontic treatment. All of this would be very expensive, but you get what you pay for.

Good luck.

My answer isn't meant to replace the detailed answer from the kind Dr. above, it's more of a thing where I read your question and just wanted to add my two cents.

I had really bad teeth growing up, some pulled, most filled, and all were stained.

The thing is, my family did not have money for fixing teeth so we only got the bare minimum to stop the pain and allow us to eat.

If you and your family are in the same situation, keep in mind that there is still hope.

Work hard, study hard, go to school, and you will get a job that will allow you to get them fixed in the not too distant future - perhaps 6 years or so. This may seem like an eternity, but you'll have your teeth for who knows - 60 more years or so? In the meantime, use the internet - which you clearly have access to, to do a search for community service dentists who may be willing to help you for free or a low price, or perhaps could get you sponsored by someone who might be sympathetic to your situation. More specifically, If it were me, I would write letters to radio and tv stations as well, asking if they can help or if they will put out a few words on the air to see if there are any dentists listening who might take on your case for free or something you could afford (if this is a problem. It may not be). That kind of thing is on our radio shows all the time. Talk radio on AM is more likely to help you than an FM music station. Try to listen and identify the morning talk show hosts in your town, then go to their websites to find an e-mail.

Good luck


ps. I did get my teeth fixed and now they are comfortable, healthy, and I have a nice smile that I am not shy about showing. You will too. Just stay after it and don't give up.

web sites rating

A dinner speaker !?

A dinner speaker was in such a hurry to get to his engagement that when he arrived and sat down at the head table, he suddenly realized that he had forgotten his false teeth. Turning to the man next to him, he said, "I forgot my teeth."

The man said, "No problem."

With that, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a pair of false teeth. "Try these," he said.

The speaker tried them. "Too loose," he said.

The man then said, "I have another pair... try these."

The speaker tried them and responded, "Too tight."

The man was not taken back at all. He then said, "I have one more pair of false teeth... try them."

The speaker said, "They fit perfectly."

With that he ate his meal and gave his address. After the dinner meeting was over, the speaker went over to thank the man who had helped him.

"I want to thank you for coming to my aid. Where is your office? I've been looking for a good dentist."

The man replied, "I'm not a dentist. I'm the local undertaker."

A dinner speaker !?
Crazy joke! Scary!
Reply:Haha, funny what was the question again?
Reply:ha ha very good loved it!
Reply:I get it. The dinner speaker addressed a room full of undertakers.
Reply:ha, he wasnt expecting that,

t'was a dead issue

hows the search going
Reply:Ha ha not the dentist ha ha.!!!

Dead mans Dentures ha ha.!!!

Nice title for a play or movie.!!!
Reply:go easy on your self , I don't want you to get hurt

software reviews

Does anyone have such severe gag reflexes that it restricts them from going to the dentist?

I can barely brush my teeth and my teeth are rotting. Each time I have gone to the dentist I have to leave because I can't open my mouth without heaving. I believe the only way I wil be able to have my teeth fixed is to be knocked out. I feel as if i'm the only one because when I research dentist and call and inform them of my problem they have no solution. I am extremely self concious of my teeth because they look horrid. At this stage of tooth decay I may be looking at false teeth and i'm only 40. However, if I can't put a toothbrush in my mouth how will I ever put in false teeth. I can't stand to smile anymore and that use to be one of my better qualities. I basically never leave the house because i'm too embarassed. I feel alone in this dilemma.

Does anyone have such severe gag reflexes that it restricts them from going to the dentist?
I have pretty severe gag reflexes, too. I can get some dental work done, but impressions and things like that kill me!! Recently, I had to get top impressions done and gagged so much I thought I was really going to throw up.

Talk to your dentist about giving you something to still the reflex temporarily. There are sprays and gargles that they can use that numb the back of the throat. They have to use them for some medical procedures. They would probably help you.

You don't say where you live, but if in the US, try calling 1-800-DENTIST and see if they can help you find someone.

Good luck! It's a terrible problem, I know, but don't let it go on any longer. Tooth decay can affect your health in other ways, too.
Reply:Not really that severe! I guess ur doc shud help u out deal with it coz u can jst leave ur teeth to rot.
Reply:You should at least use some mouthwash and an electric toothbrush so you can brush with your mouth closed.

bsd apache

I'm suffering from cavities. Dentists i beg you for help.?

I brush my teeth three times a day with the best kind of toothbrush and the most expensive toothpase in the market.I floss them even after taking a bite of a fruit i haven't eaten any sweet sugary food and soda for a long time i use mouthwash too i drink milk and eat plenty of vegetables i do all of those things but i have had most of my teeth filled at the age of 22 the thing which is suffering me is that i'm still getting cavities rapidly on the other hand my cousin who eats whatever she likes and dosen't protect her teeth at all has white and healthy teeth i live in Iran and the dentists here don't help me when i ask them the same question thay smile and say "That's because of the the quality of your teeth and there's nothing can be done about it" say they are right but that is not the answer for me i'm still too young to use false teeth What should i do? What's wrong with my teeth is there any medicine in your country for this damn problem i have here is not i have ran out of money and i can't afford the prices do you suggest i have all my teeth removed and buy a false teeth at this age before they suggest that. Please help. I'm feeling like weepy.

I'm suffering from cavities. Dentists i beg you for help.?
CARIES/Cavities are NOT genetic!!!!

Just because you have bad teeth, doesn't mean it's from your gene's! Cavities are a CONTAGIOUS bacterial infection. The bacteria that contribute to carious lesions are Streptococcus mutans and lactobacillus. When every person is born, they only have good bacteria inhibiting their mouths, when someone kisses the baby, they infect the baby with the bacteria in their mouth. This is where trouble starts! People think, "oh, my mom had really bad teeth, so I am going to have bad teeth (due to genes)". NOT true! The caregiver infected the child with the cavity causing bacteria when their saliva entered the child's mouth! Also, not only does the caregiver infect their child with the cavity causing bacteria, but they pass on their morals about oral health (which many people who have a lot of cavities are not very positive about).

So, you obviously have these cavity causing bacteria in high levels in your mouth and there is no way to get rid of them completely. The only thing you can do is brush really good as much as you can. This is the only way to reduce the number of bacteria, however they will start multiplying as soon as you have finished brushing. Also, be sure you are drinking fluoridated water, as well as using fluoride products. Ask your dentist about home care fluoride treatments to help remineralize your tooth surfaces.

Another thing, once a tooth has a cavity/filling, it is now easier for decay to form than it was on that tooth surface with out a cavity or filling.

Scientist are trying to find a bacteria that is strong enough to replace cavity causing bacteria that do no harm to your teeth. Here is an article about it, just scroll down to "Future". It is really interesting!

Also here is an herbal sucker that claims it reduces streptococcus mutans:

Good luck and take care!
Reply:being prone to cavaties is a genetic thing, it is the quality of your teeth and there is very little you can do for it. The best bet you have is using either toothpaste or mouthwash with a high flouride content. It deosn't matter if the tooth brush you use is the most expensive and the toothpaste you use is top of the line. what truly matters if how long you brush.. 2 minutes morning and night and floss daily.. Try using a toothpaste with a high sodium flouride at night. brush for 2 mins spit but DON'T rinse go straight to bed don't drink water, let the flouride sit on your teeth all night. If you can't find a high flouride toothpaste use ACT mouthwash, or a mouthwash that says anticavity, rinse twice a day for 1 whole mintue and don't eat or drink for at least a half hour afterwards.

This along with cutting out sodas and juices between meals.. only drink water when you're thirsty if you must have juice, drink water right afterwards, that'll help rinse away any juice left on your teeth.
Reply:i think that everyone no matter how much they floss etc that your teeth are part of your dna string if your dad /mum had bad teeth it will run in the gene
Reply:u have a predisposition to caries.. which in children is called " rampant caries" . the best u can do to save your teeth is maintain good oral hygiene and as and when required get your fillings done... all these fluoride toothpastes and mouthwashes do help but u cannot use them all throughout your life..

everyone has a definite tooth color so dot worry about your teeth being less whiter than your cousin's .. the most important thing is maintaining good oral hygiene.. using false teeth at this age just because u have caries is not advisable.. so dont use any false teeth ..just maintain good cleaning and good diet.. get regular professional cleaning , every 6 months and visit your dentist regularly..that should solve the problem.. i had come across a toothpaste called as R.O.C.S. they say that it remineralises tooth , but i am not very sure about it.. so try doing fillings as far as possible when required, if u have caries in spite of good hygiene and diet.. .. dont take out tooth ..until and unless its impossible to treat it otherwise.

hope that this helps!! ))


Can Hydrocodone cause a false positive pregnancy test?

I took a generic Vicadin for a tooth problem I'm having and i took two pregnancy tests today and they were both postive. I don't feel pregnant and was wondering if this medication could cause false positives?

Can Hydrocodone cause a false positive pregnancy test?
No!!!!! Definitely not.
Reply:i dont think it would give you a false positive so your pregnant if your in doubt go to your doctor to get a blood pregnancy test and then tell them what you took and they could tell you
Reply:The hormone you secrete in your blood when you're pregnant is called HCG and i don't think there are any medications that can replicate this in your blood.

If you think the pregnancy test is wrong, go to your doctor and get a blood test done.
Reply:doubt it
Reply:no there is no kind of pain killers that can produce a positive pregnancy test.... the only Drugs that will cause a pos. test are drugs that help with infertility
Reply:No way at all. A false positive is highly unlikely. If it says positive, you are pregnant. it's false negatives you have to worry about. the only thing that can cause a false positives are medications given for infertility
Reply:Hydrocodone will not produce a false positive on a pregnancy test.. In fact your teeth may be bothering you because you are pregnant. That was the first sign I was pregnant with my first. In the early stages of pregnancy your body is so focused on providing for the embryo, the rest of your body plays second fiddle (hence the tooth pain). Good Luck, hope all goes well.
Reply:no the medicine can not cause a false positive. I took it also when i found out i was pregnant and during my pregnancy.

credit report

What's the going rate for the tooth fairy these days?

My kids are a bit old for it now, but I just got curious after I read the following joke:


While working for an organization that delivers lunches to elderly shut-ins, I used to take my 4-year-old daughter on my afternoon rounds. She was unfailingly intrigued by the various appliances of old age, particularly the canes, walkers and wheelchairs. One day I found her staring at a pair of false teeth soaking in a glass. As I braced myself for the inevitable barrage of questions, she merely turned and whispered, "The tooth fairy will never believe this!"

What's the going rate for the tooth fairy these days?
Well the tooth fairy is very kind in this house we get $4 a tooth
Reply:My kids get a dollar
Reply:Ha...cute joke!

I'll say around $19.95 per tooth...damn inflation.

Reply:aha.. i guess you could make a few grand off of those.
Reply:haha cute joke... i used to get around 2 dollars.... but that was about 5 years ago =[
Reply:Cute Joke, as for the tooth fairy, I haven't seen her in a while but with inflation now days, I would guess it could be $5.00 a tooth.
Reply:a dollar a tooth


I hate tooth aces?

my dentest wants to do root canals and crowns. which i don't want to do. why can't he just pull them all. and make me false teeth.

I hate tooth aces?
that costs SO MUCH $$ to pull and put in new teeth. I have a friend who had a root canal and he said it didnt hurt. I know other who beg to differ though.
Reply:A root canal is just delaying the deterioration of the tooth and it will eventually break apart and fall out. Root canals do not hurt, and they kill the root of the tooth so it will no longer hurt either.
Reply:The current view is to save teeth when you can. Pulling all your teeth is not reversible. Speak to your dentist for his reasoning. If in doubt get a second opinion
Reply:Root canals cost a lot of money.

I hope you have insurance.

skin cancer

What is the story you tell your kids about the tooth fairy?

heres the story i told....

tooth fairy... about 3 inches tall.... with wings

the cleaner your teeth are... the more money she will give you...

(just a lil encouragement for them to brush often.. : )

she takes the tooth back to her little tooth factory and gets to work...

she then makes a set of false teeth and sneaks into all the elderly homes and puts them under their pillow as a gift because they have lost all there teeth and can not grow new ones...

i know... sounds a little weird but i was asked on the spot and that was the first thing i came up with.... lol

What is the story you tell your kids about the tooth fairy?
When children are born they are full of natural Magick. As they grow and are taught by some that Magick isn't real the Magick is slowly absorbed by their baby teeth. When a child begins to lose their baby teeth, the Tooth Fairy always comes to collect them and leave a small present. The teeth are brought into the fairies' circle and danced into releasing the Magick into the world. This is how Magick has lasted and will last as long as there are children.

If you want the Truth.....Ask a Pagan
Reply:The tooth fairy is a sweet lady with wings who takes the teeth and gives them to little babies. So good teeth that have no cavities and are nice and shiny and bright fetch the best prices! My kids usually scrub their little lost teeth before putting them under the pillow- nice and shiny! Wish they'd be as conscientious while they were still in their mouths! :)
Reply:you mean she isnt real????

Reply:I don't lie. When I was little and found out about Santa I hated everyone for lying to me. It was like everyone was in on the big joke but me. So I tell the truth. I told my son not to tell other kids but if he lost teeth I'd still give him money.

What works for some does not work for others. He's very mature.
Reply:my mom told me that the tooth fairy will give me money if i put my tooth into my pillow.


Kids joke tooth fairy?

While working for an organization that delivers lunches to elderly shut-ins, I used to take my 4-year-old daughter on my afternoon rounds. The various appliances of old age, particularly the canes, walkers and wheelchairs, unfailingly intrigued her.

One day I found her staring at a pair of false teeth soaking in a glass.

As I braced myself for the inevitable barrage of questions, she merely turned and whispered, "The tooth fairy will never believe this!"

Kids joke tooth fairy?
OH thats tooo Cute!!


Reply:neither do i
Reply:awwwwwwww... how cute :D
Reply:That's pretty funny...
Reply:Funny! 100!
Reply:thats cute!!
Reply:This is funny!

Might want to turn up the volume a little.

Reply:Hi Chris,

Very cute what will Kids say next.. Got to Love them don't we!!! A Big Star Chris..

A Friend,

Reply:Ha ha ha.!!!

Good one Chris.!!!

Cheers mate.!!
Reply:Great joke! xD

Funny, yet clean. :)

Here's a star! *
Reply:ha ha ha funny

thanks for a laugh

please answer
Reply:Aww bless her. :)
Reply:I don't believe it either. By the way did the tooth fairy believe it or not. lol just kidding.


HELP Does getting a tooth pulled out hurt. N does braces hurt?

Im genetically missing 2 teeth, so when the baby teeth fall out i will have two HUGE GABS, N for my career its important to have perfect teeth. I will have 2 go 2 surgery n get 2 false teeth put into my jaw. It will be painfull. Not 2 mention that just 2 get my teeth cleaned i faint and get sick. Im gunna need help. How would you relax. Or what over the counter drugs would you suggest?

HELP Does getting a tooth pulled out hurt. N does braces hurt?
Don't worry, when you get your teeth cleaned you get no anaesthetic, so you feel everything that happens. For procedures like teeth implantation or teeth pulling out, the doctor will give you medication that will make you feel nothing. Taking medication beforehand doesn't help, a painkiller doesn't stop pain that is provoked (if someone pinches you when you have taken the painkiller, it doesn't mean you won't hurt!). But after the procedure, if you have some pain, you can take paracetamol or ibuprofen. By the way, wait and see, perhaps your new teeth will come out just fine!
Reply:I don't understand your question... first you ask about getting a tooth pulled, then you say you're genetically missing 2 teeth and have to have 2 put in? Do you have to have one pulled or not? and why?

You already have a career and you haven't lost your baby teeth yet? LOL, what career is that? modeling?
Reply:Getting a tooth pulled does not have to hurt, but you have a lot of fear to get thru. When I had my wisdom teeth taken out, I did not have pain because the dentist numbed the area with a needle (which was more like a tickle) and then cut each tooth into 4 pieces to extract. You may be able to get a temporary tooth that can be taken out for cleaning.

Braces are uncomfortable for the first day or so after tightening, then less. You've already come a long way in deciding on the surgery. Now give yourself credit for taking the next steps. That way, when your experience is over, you'll have something pleasant to say to someone who asks for your advice in this area.
Reply:My friends who got braces say that braces do hurt a fair bit the first few days, but they stop after a week or so.

The first time I got my teeth pulled out when I was 7, the dentist used a needle to inject something into my gums so I wouldn't feel anything. It didn't hurt at all, but my lips felt really puffy afterwards although they looked fine. They felt really tingly too.

The 2nd and 3rd time, I think they did something to ease the pain, but I still felt it. I doubt it hurt nearly as much as it would without the pain killer, but it still hurt a fair bit, but only when the teeth were coming out. Then again, I was 9 or 10 at the time so it might not hurt as much.

If you go through surgery, wouldn't they give you an anesthetic of some sort so you don't feel anything?

I don't have much advice for how to relax about this since ever since I was a kid I enjoyed going to the dentist for the fluoride shower where they stick trays of foamy stuff in your mouth. I think maybe you should just think about the bright side: You're gonna have perfect teeth there! My teeth were actually pretty crummy when I was 12 since my lower jaw was smaller than it was supposed to be, and my front teeth were quite yellow.

auto financing

Loose tooth,?

I wear dentures with metal frame in the roof of my mouth the tooth the denture fixes on ( 1 of 3 left) is loose and painful, if removed nothing to fix dentures to at this side of mouth, dentist wants to remove it and have a false tooth screwed in to fix the rest at a cost of £1000, which is not possible financially. The alternative is, remove tooth and make denture one tooth wider and then use denture fixative to hold up one end of denture, the other end has two original teeth to secure to, are there any Dental professionals out there with a solution?

Loose tooth,?
Ive worked within the Dental field but am not a Dentist but as money is an issue I wont say an implant, so your other options are take the teeth out that are decayed as it wont do you any good keeping them! %26amp; add the number of teeth out added on your denture. It seems you have quite a bit of info already but you don't need to make the denture wider get a new set with the 2 new added teeth, if it's too expensive for you (I hope not!) can't you try %26amp; get some kind of goverment fund just try eveything I want you to enjoy smiling %26amp; having your dinner good luck :)
Reply:It is time we all came to our senses about price gouging in the field of dentistry. This is my considered professional opinion.

Be mindful how long a ride you are taken on.

car audio


My science teacher told me that no one can rise from the dead and told us that jerus resurrected was false?

My science teacher told me that no one can rise from the dead and told us that jerus resurrected was false. Is my science teacher true about this or was she just lying through her teeth?

My science teacher told me that no one can rise from the dead and told us that jerus resurrected was false?
Looking at the science point of view, your teacher is definitely right. You have to judge yourself, if Jerus resurrected is truth, Jerus should be still around now living on earth, but where is Jerus now??
Reply:she is telling the truth
Reply:She didn't think she was lying. She obviously doesn't believe in the Bible. That's fine. As long as you believe what it says is true.
Reply:God Can, Man Can not
Reply:If your Science teacher was truly saying this in a public school, she is breaking the law. She is teaching religion by doing so. If she really did this, the ACLU would stand by you in bringing a lawsuit against the school. (If there is credible evidence).

Contrary to popular opinion, the ACLU isn't anti-Christian. They are anti teaching religion in public schools. Saying the Bible is false is promoting religious beliefs and that doesn't belong in schools. If your teacher does this, she needs to be stopped.

P.S. I'm not a Christian, but I think that if a teacher did this, it is reprehensible.
Reply:that is your teachers opinion and also a violation of bringing religious beliefs into school.
Reply:I believe God rather than man's puffed-up perception of his own knowledge. God vs man? What a joke.

You are making a god of your science teacher.-A false, inferior god.
Reply:Im glad there are good teachers out there.
Reply:Unfortunately, not all aspects of science are explored in the classroom. In most high schools and middle schools, students are taught the evolution view on the world but not the creation view. There has been documentation dated far back on the resurrection of Christ but none of the so-called evolution of mankind...does this tell you anything?

And, when you're talking about God...He can do anything, can He not? Therefore, why couldn't His earthly Son rise from the dead? It seems plausible enough to me.
Reply:your teacher is misstaken .if she does not believe then she should keep her beliefs to herself.if we cant pray in school or if we have to change the pledge to protect her rights then she should not use the classroom to force her beliefs on students when they are legally prohibited to express their belief regarding religion
Reply:Well, she is at least partly right. No one can come back from the dead, period. There is no empirical evidence of anything otherwise, regardless of Biblical claims.

Did she actually come right out and tell you that Jesus' resurrection story was false, or did you just read that into her lesson? Was this in class or a personal conversation? A lot of information missing here.
Reply:THAT is why I would NEVER put my kids in PUBLIC schools. Your teacher can lose her teaching degree and get sued and the school too!!!!

That is ILLEGAL and WRONG and if you were my kid, that teacher would NEVER forget your name becuase I would nail them in court so fast it would make your head spin.

I'm sooo angry to see what you kids have to go thru in public schools. More parents need to be homeschooling.

Reply:I can't speak for Jesus. I can speak for myself. I was clinically dead for 44 minutes, pronounced the whole nine yards. I came back. All the doctors could say was that they hadn't saved me. That's 38 minutes longer than medicine or science claim is possible. My point is that anything is possible; neither science nor religion have all of the answers. Actually compared to the questions, they have very few. As for your science teacher, a teacher with a closed mind has no place teaching anyone.
Reply:Your science teacher has a right to believe anything she wants to believe.

Of course, she's wrong on this one!


How harmful will the effects of my wisdom teeth procedure be?

Last week I had all four wisdom teeth removed, and I was put under for this. I took pain killers and they also used "laughing gas". I took two pregnancy tests in the couple weeks before, and both were negative. Today, being another week late, I took a third and it was positive. Could it be false? I am now three weeks late completely. If it is positive, what are the side effects from the procedure? Are they major? Are the percentages for them high?

How harmful will the effects of my wisdom teeth procedure be?
This souldn't harm the baby. I would let your Dr. know just to double check. Depending on the pain pill it may have been alright to take while pregnant. I know you can take Tylenol 3 and Hydrocodone while pregnant. And being so early along you probably didnt harm anything. Just think of how many people drink and do other things before they find out they are pregnant. And their babies turn out just fine.

Good luck
Reply:Odds are everything will be ok--but you do need to make an OB appointment since you had a positive test. They will pull a blood test to make sure its positive. At that same time, mention to them about the procedure and see what they say.
Reply:Talk to your doctor. You should have informed your doctor that you could be pregnant before having the surgery. Irresponsible mistake.
Reply:no bad side were too early, the baby is protected good in there. Also your way can you have a false positive!! good luck
Reply:Any and all toxins that may or may not have been produced will flush out of your system, all that is happening right now is the cell division. It won't have any recourse. your immune system will clense your body of the toxins. Also, drink green tea, water, bulk up on your Orange Juice for the Folic Acid you will need. Usually with any drug intake it takes 72 hours for them to clear from your system. Don't worry, you will do fine. Congrats and good luck to you and yours!!
Reply:I would talk with your Dr. about this question. Also get a pg test done at the dr. to be extra sure. In any case you need to see the dr. anyway.
Reply:It shouldnt harm your baby, since you are so ealry into your pregnancy, but i would check to be sure.

business finance

Ten days ago I had all my teeth pulled. I have terrible pain and what seems like displaced bones Pls. help

It is very difficult for me to understand how possibly I can have lumps on the sides of my gums in between my bottom lip and my jaw bone that hurt and the same on the other side of that area and on the top of my mouth also. I have a temporary false plate that hurts to much to keep in because of the little protrusions that appeared about 3 days after surgery. No one told me about this complication and I've had such terrible luck with dentist that I am extremely worried and if anyone knows anything I would be so thankful if you emailed me. I had about $50,000 worth of work on my teeth and it was finished in 2000 only to find out that the dentist that I have no occlusion. How can my mouth hurt so much when there are not any teeth in there? I'm usualy pretty good with pain but this is like a constant ache and with Motrim 600 mg and Tylenol 3, I still have pain. Thank you for your help.

Ten days ago I had all my teeth pulled. I have terrible pain and what seems like displaced bones Pls. help
It is unfortunate to face so much pain even after having spent a fortune like amount in the hope of painless dentistry. Huskymom has provided excellent elaboration. The Ivoclar Vivadent has come out with a revolutionary biofunctional prosthetic system, named BPS Dentures, which have life like teeth, comfortable, and fit snugly causing no sore gums. It costs USD 550-650.00 for complete set of dentures in Thailand or India.
Reply:Let me just tell you....I am feeling TERRIBLE for your awful experience....Please...I hope you do feel better and really soon!
Reply:call your dentist and ask for a stronger dose of medicine

you should not be in so much pain from julie
Reply:It sounds to me like you have a dry socket. It happens when the nerve is exposed after a tooth is pulled. Been there..done that. It I had it happen once and I swear it was worse than child birth. Go back to your Dentist for some pain meds. The only thing that even slightly hepled me was large doses of Ibuprophen, ands even then the pain lasted almost a month. It was positively horrid!!!
Reply:It is very normal to have pain after full mouth extractions and having an immediate denture put in. This is an odd thing in your mouth and you are going to have a long road ahead of you getting used to it. You will probably need multiple adjustments. This does not mean that the denture was poorly made. An immediate denture is made using "guess work". As your tissue and bone heals and changes, you will have sore spots. You may have on on the left side one day, get that adjusted and then a couple of days later have one on the right side. I have adjusted hundreds of dentures in my time.

As far as the bone, are they splinter like? If so these are bone spurs. They will usually work their way out, but once they break through, you can grab the end with a clean pair of tweezers. If you are just feeling large lumps, this is probably just the normal shape of the bone now that there are no roots embedded into the jaw. Some dentists do what is called Alveoloplasty, which is basically reconturing the bone, at the time of the extractions. The bone will change alot over the next few months. I hate to tell you, but you are in for a difficult time learning to deal with this new denture. The pain should subside once the extraction sites heal more. If you are having sore spots, they need to be adjusted. I usually place a soft liner, what is called a tissue conditioner, in the immediate dentures in my office. These are temporary, usually needing to be replaced every week or so. But if does help with the pain.

If you are having throbbing pain in an extraction site, you may have a dry socket and there is no at home treatment for that. You have to go to the dentists office.

Feel free to e-mail me.

car makes

True or false (see details)?

Are these true or false? First right answer gets picked as best

1. Apples, not caffeine, are more efficient at waking you up in the morning.

2. Alfred Hitchcock didn't have a belly button.

3. A pack-a-day smoker will lose approximately 2 teeth every 10 years.

4. People do not get sick from cold weather; it's from being indoors a lot more.

5. When you sneeze, all bodily functions stop, even your heart!

6. Only 7 per cent of the population are lefties.

7. Forty people are sent to the hospital for dog bites every minute.

8. Babies are born without kneecaps. They don't appear until they are 2-6 years old.

9. The average person over 50 will have spent 5 years waiting in lines.

10. The toothbrush was invented in 1498.

11. The average housefly lives for one month.

12. 40,000 Americans are injured by toilets each year.

13. A coat hanger is 44 inches long when straightened.

14. The average computer user blinks 7 times a minute.

True or false (see details)?
It is unfortunate, but the first person who answered this question was indeed incorrect. The answer was all are true. However all but one of these is true.

Question 5, "when you sneeze, all bodily functions stop, even your heart," is false. I have, in fact, personally witnessed a person sneeze while on an EKG, and the heart did not stop. There was a beat where it should have been. I had heard of this myth before this happened, and when the patient asked for a tissue because he was going to sneeze, I remembered, and looked at the EKG.

I would also like to add I have serious doubts about the legitimacy of the website from which you got your information. The website offers not explanation of who, or how these "facts" were validated.
Reply:Yep its all true i read most of these facts on teh back of a libra pad lol
Reply:Neither. Some are true, some are false.

(examples of falsehoods are #4. Recent studies have found that cold weather makes you more susceptible to catching a cold. Also #6, its just wrong.)
Reply:some are true... some are false...
Reply:Wouldn't the EKG capture the excursion or movement of a sneeze on it? The one I have a problem with is the milk advertising. My understanding is that advertisers can only use the product they are selling in their pictures. Therefore in a cereal advertisement, the milk is likely this mixture. It would be false advertising if it was the mixture for a milk advertisement.


True False Quiz have fun?

Can you guess which of the following are true and which are false?

1. Apples, not caffeine, are more efficient at waking you up in the morning.

2. Alfred Hitchcock didn't have a belly button.

3. A pack-a-day smoker will lose approximately 2 teeth every 10 years.

4. People do not get sick from cold weather; it's from being indoors a lot more.

5. When you sneeze, all bodily functions stop, even your heart!

6. Only 7 per cent of the population is lefties.

7. Forty-people are sent to the hospital for dog bites every minute.

8. Babies are born without kneecaps. They don't appear until they are 2-6 years old.

9. The average person over 50 will have spent 5 years waiting in lines.

10. The toothbrush was invented in 1498.

11. The average housefly lives for one month.

12. 40,000 Americans are injured by toilets each year.

13. A coat hanger is 44 inches long when straightened.

True False Quiz have fun?
All very true, well done you.


Tink xxx
Reply:I can deal with a spider, atleast you didn't say a roach. Interesting facts though.
Reply:I dont believe number 2!

And number 18 - what about those lizards with moving eyes, chameleons?
Reply:18, 26, 10 and 5 are not correct. Can't say about the others!
Reply:You runined it. I had a pen and a paper doing them, I get to the end and you blew it. Thanks :(
Reply:No, they are not all true

This list has been doing the rounds on the internet for yonks.

like most of these sorts of lists, it is a mixture of truth, error, misinformation and made up guesses.

if you want to find out which is which, go to - the urban legend debunkers
Reply:Hey do you have a trivia book next to you??I thought not, you are very smart.......good statements.
Reply:I did the same thing as ashley, I had a pen and paper and was jotting down each answer. About half were false!!

But, seriously!!! Is 15 TRUE????


The gap in my lower teeth is getting me down, is there anything i can do?

a while back a chipped my 2 lower front teeth, so i had to have them taken out, i had false ones put in, but i thought they looked stupid, and you could tell they were false because they were gleeming white, so i had them taken out again, so for a while ive had this gap. at first i thought it might be cool. but now im concious and its making me feel freakish and unattractive, and i look like a dam pirate, one eyed willy or lang john silver. has anyone got any help or advice? as its really gettin me down. cheers

The gap in my lower teeth is getting me down, is there anything i can do?
You could do 3 things, a partial, a bridge or implants. The dentist who does this should be matching the shade on the fake teeth with the rest of your teeth. However, if he feels that your natural teeth need to be whitened, he will suggest that you do that first. If you're not in any danger of losing more teeth, implants are the best way to go. They are more expensive, but if done right, they will never need to be replaced. A partial or a bridge will usually only last between 5 to 10 years.

P.S. you should definitely do something though because eventually your other teeth will start to shift to close in the gap %26amp; you could end up with even bigger problems
Reply:Braces can do something. But just find a good doctor who matches color and look of teeth. Sounds like the first fake teeth were cheap and done by a hack doctor.
Reply:Whiten your teeth and then fix the chipped teeth and they will look perfectly normal
Reply:u shouldnt let things lik that get u down! u have a gap in ur teeth who cares! plus pirates r hot ...well some lol and its not about looks n e wayz if sumone really likes u ..theyll lik u becuz of u ! not becuz of how u look!
Reply:you can get false teeth that match your teeth color!


True or False about...?

My friend told me something that sounds so stupid, but I needed to know whether is was true or not. She said that after a female has her period it's good to put toothpaste in your vagina to freshen it. But I was wondering, isn't that the purpose of soap?? Why put toothpaste there, it seems so dangerous. It's for your teeth. So I'm wondering whether it's true or false, although I have a good feeling that it's false.

True or False about...?
TOTALLY FALSE AND DANGEROUS. Your vagina has natural bacteria that is supposed to be there and fight infections...putting ANYTHING scented down there and using douches can damage this natural balance, and lead to more vaginal infections..which are horrible. Use a simple soap to keep yourself clean, nothing more, nothing less.
Reply:Never heard of this but I do know that since toothpaste can burn your mouth....imagine how it would burn down there?????
Reply:It sure don't sound right to me that would sting like anything I would guess I would not be doing that.
Reply:Have to agree with Turtlegirl. That is false for sure. It would burn you quite a bit.
Reply:no no and no soap is used for that and not toothpaste also this so called friend is not a friend if shes telling you to do that it would sting like mad and u would probaby end up going to the doctors or hospital ITS FALSE
Reply:It IS the most preposterous thing I have ever heard too!!

If you are a "female" your friend is not doing you any favors by spreading silliness such as this, because it can be downright disasterous!!

The toothpaste will give you some form of infection!! You NEVER put anything in there that isnt approved by your OBGYN!!

And if you dont have a Gynacologist, GET ONE!

Because you need to "know" the facts of life.

I wish you well..

Reply:well, never heard of it, but for clening this sensitive area,,,u may use dove or olay..may b a lotion, or some moisturizing dove...
Reply:sure whatever, oh and while your at it, try putting some hair gel down there to give it that 'wet look'

performing arts

Front teeth too big?

I have always had big front teeth that are really long. But when I was 10 years old I had an accident at school which meant that I had to have the bottom quarter of one of my front teeth replaced. The dentists had to sort of sculpt the false part, and they did a really chunky job of it, and its always looked abit longer than the other front tooth since then. On top of that, I had to have braces to align my teeth, instead of pushing my front teeth up to make them look shorter, they were pulled out even further. The braces have been off for around 2 years now, and I can feel the upper end on my tooth just under my gum, so basically the roots have been pulled pretty low.

I will be visiting the dentist again quite soon for a check up, also to see about bleaching the tooth that got blackened by the chip. Would it be worth asking about correcting my front teeth, how much would it cost?

Front teeth too big?
I had 2 large front teeth in the middle. I had the four front teeth ground down with caps on all four teeth

The two middle front teeth were reduced in size and the 2 other teeth to the side were made larger to even things out.

That can get costly. The other alternative is veneers
Reply:I feel your pain my front teeth are a little big to. ya I think it would be worth another try dont go back to the same one if you can help it. and I would say it would cost about $3,000.00 dollars ya I know its a lot but if they do a good job it will be worth it.

hair talk

Why do people say there are False religions when the word Religion means 'a way of life?'?

Does this mean people are getting religion and faith mixed up?Has faith means 'something you believe in'.And how can you have a 'false' religion when for example you brush your teeth in the morning religiously (remember religion means a way of life.)?

Why do people say there are False religions when the word Religion means 'a way of life?'?
Where in the WORLD did you get the thought that the word "religion" has the meaning, "a way of life"?


c.1200, "state of life bound by monastic vows," also "conduct indicating a belief in a divine power," from Anglo-Fr. religiun (11c.), from O.Fr. religion "religious community," from L. religionem (nom. religio) "respect for what is sacred, reverence for the gods," in L.L. "monastic life" (5c.); according to Cicero, derived from relegare "go through again, read again," from re- "again" + legere "read" (see lecture). However, popular etymology among the later ancients (and many modern writers) connects it with religare "to bind fast" (see rely), via notion of "place an obligation on," or "bond between humans and gods." Another possible origin is religiens "careful," opposite of negligens. Meaning "particular system of faith" is recorded from c.1300.

"The equal toleration of all religions ... is the same thing as atheism." [Pope Leo XIII, Immortale Dei, 1885]

Modern sense of "recognition of, obedience to, and worship of a higher, unseen power" is from 1535. Religious is first recorded c.1225. Transfered sense of "scrupulous, exact" is recorded from 1599.

I looked it up not only at - but within Hebrew and Greek scripture dictionaries and find no such meaning.

From a Christian biblical perspective, "religion" as shown within scripture is:

Jam 1:26 If anyone thinks to be religious among you*, [and yet] does not bridle [fig., control] his tongue _but_ deceives his heart [fig., inner self, and throughout book], the religion of this one [is] useless.

Jam 1:27 Pure and undefiled religion before [our] God and Father is this: to be caring for orphans and widows in their affliction [and] to be keeping oneself unspotted [fig., uncorrupted] by the world. (Analytical Literal Translation)

Faith from a Christian perspective is this:

Heb 11:1 Now faith is [the] assurance [or, substance] of [things] being hoped for [or, being confidently expected], [the] confident assurance [or, proof] of things not seen. (Analytical Literal Translation)
Reply:Religion does NOT mean "way of life." The etymology is as follows:

[Middle English religioun, from Old French religion, from Latin religiō, religiōn-, perhaps from religāre, to tie fast.

In other words, it refers to bonds or shackles. Religion means enslavement.
Reply:Well, it could be a false teeth your brushing on. And no matter what it is still is a false teeth.
Reply:Unbiblical Doctrines

The fundamental doctrines of Christendom are based not on the Bible but on ancient myths—those of Greece, Egypt, Babylon, and others. Teachings such as the inherent immortality of the human soul, eternal torment in hellfire, purgatory, and the Trinity (three persons in one Godhead) are not found in the Bible.

For example, consider the teaching that bad people will be tortured forever in a fiery hell. How do you feel about this idea? Many find it repugnant. They find it unreasonable that God would forever torture humans, keeping them in excruciating pain. Such a fiendish idea is contrary to the God of the Bible, for "God is love." (1 John 4:8) The Bible is clear that such a teaching 'had not come into the heart' of Almighty God.—Jeremiah 7:31; 19:5; 32:35.

I'm getting this information right here;

Please click on the link and enjoy what the Bible really teaches!
Reply:As I am sure Erlampo knows, etymology is not the same as definition. Try comparing the etymology of "dominos" to its definition. Usage determines meaning. I think your suggestion to look up the word in a dictionary is fine but when trying to define such an amorphous word as "religion" one should seek its definition from various dictionaries and religious encyclopedias. If you will do so you will find that most authorities include some reference to the transcendent in their definitions. This is what separates religion from philosophy and self-help. Since not all of the concepts of the transcendent can be reconciled it follows (unless one is hopelessly postmodern) that at least some religions are not true. As an example, pantheism and monotheism can not both be true. One must therefore be false.
Reply:Brushing your teeth with 100 grit sandpaper would be wrong as in dangerous.

The God of the Bible outlined the one way of worship acceptable to Him and what is detestable to Him. He pointed out there would be people coming from under rocks claiming to speak for God and misleading many.

When you find a liar, you don't keep quiet about it. On the news, they report theives who use scams to steal from people. Nigerian bank scams, Katrina construction scams are only two of many. A religion teaching false doctrine while claiming to be Christian, why be quiet about that?

If the Bible says God's name is Jehovah in black and white, and a religion claiming Christianity denies it; they are false. If they teach the soul is immortal and the Bible clearly states the soul dies, they are false. If a religion mixes something of pagan origin with Bible teaching, the Bible declares them false and obsene.

Being a true Christian IS a way of life. To live it as God approves we must have nothing to do with false religions.

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