Sunday, August 2, 2009

Evolutionists: Don't wisdom teeth prove creationism?

According to the Theory of Evolutionology, species evolve to become more adapted to their environment. So how do evolutionarians explain wisdom teeth? Wisdom teeth are not an adaptation to our environment, but a detriment because they are painful and need to be removed.

If evolution were true, we wouldn't have wisdom teeth because we would have evolved bigger mouths or less teeth. (I know that wisdom teeth support evolution because they are a vestigial remnant from when we needed to eat tougher meat, but I'm ignoring that because it hurts my argument.) Since we have wisdom teeth, evolution must be false.

The Theory of Creationism can explain wisdom teeth. God was made at Adam and Eve for eating the apple, because it gave them wisdom. As punishment, God gave their descendants "Wisdom" teeth that were painful as punishment for original sin.

Since evolutionarians can't explain wisdom teeth, the Theory of Evolutionism is false.

Evolutionists: Don't wisdom teeth prove creationism?
I am away to the drinks cabinet .. I need a new bottle for this one

anyone want anything while I am there ?
Reply:lol I dont even drink ... but I may take it up as a new hobby Report It

Reply:wow! you need help guy. lie on dude.
Reply:*Get ready for the rush of people disproving you*

Guys, this is a troll of sorts. Just read his profile (sorry to ruin your fun).

However, I must say, that is a convincing argument. Well, I'm a creationist now.
Reply:Hey, I'm a gravitationist - I believe in gravity.

And that the lamest, most obviously straw clutching attempt to discredit evolution that I've ever read.
Reply:you're desperate aren't you, does it really matter if we came from evolution or creation. You just want creationism to be fact becuase it says so in the stupid bible. Adam Eve and god are part of christianity, not science and the earth, GET OVER IT!
Reply:Um, what? I'm not even going to attempt to refute that argument, I can't stop laughing long enough.
Reply:Evolution can explain that: they are vestigial, and became corrupted over generations because it doesnt provide any advantage nor disadvantage to the organism, so it can deform itself freely.

Look for another argument.
Reply:Duh. Everything proves creationism, because "God did it". That would be sarcasm, by the way.
Reply:I know you're just trolling (because of your previous question citing Em Agineri), but the official explanation for wisdom teeth painfully emerging was that the human jaw was initially larger. It shrank over the generations because we found ways of making better food and therefore it got less work as each successive generation grew up. We've still got the same number of teeth though... too many for most of us. So really it is more a point in favour of evolution, as it shows how the human race has changed to match its environment.
Reply:Good lesson in logical thinking. I once had a wart on my finger which proved that the planet Mars is made of vanilla ice cream.
Reply:Do you realize that your statement if taken literally at face value says God made an inferior thing with something it did not need and was detrimental to it existence.
Reply:Perhaps the human race is still in the phase of evolutionism of getting rid of our wisdom teeth. You know, evolution does NOT happen in just a few centuries...which we needed them for our type of diet 1000 plus years ago. Personally, only two of my wisdom teeth bothered me and I had them pulled. The two on the other side did not come thru and did not need pulled. So right there, with me, is proof that we are half-way thru phasing out wisdom teeth. Come back in another 1000 years and we'll check how many people have or had wisdom teeth, ok?
Reply:Quite the contrary, more and more people are being born without the gene for wisdom teeth. Myself, one of my brothers, my daughter and others I have talked to never had any sign of wisdom teeth.

We are still evolving.
Reply:it must be biblical, coz

1. you're being sarcastic.

2. it's complete crap.
Reply:Original sin has nothing to do with eating apples and wisdom teeth. You obviously know nothing about the Theory of Evolution or you wouldn`t call it evolutionology and consider it stand or falls on the existence or non-existence of wisdom teeth. Suggest you go back to the beginning and read Darwin`s Origin Of Species.

also, i'm heartened that the light of gravitationism has spread even unto this dark place. some day this crazy cult will catch on, i just know it!

dze: look around. you might notice that humans are not the only animals on this planet.
Reply:This is the stupidest case for creationism I have ever heard...listen, if you bible thumpers want to deny science and believe that the bible is the true source of wisdom, so be it. But the next time someone you love gets cancer and needs medical treatment, tell them no because it's a science related field. The same goes with the car that you drive, the make up that you females wear, the food that you eat, the cell phone that you talk on, the computer that you are using at this moment to type this drivel, the ipod that you listen to music on, the ATM machine that you get your money from, the deodorant that you use, etc. Because this is a science-based world, if you don't want to believe in science, give up everything that you own and live like the Amish...
Reply:i cant believe people still try and aruge evolution vs. creation...sorry no contest. evolution has scientific evidence. creation comes from a story.
Reply:But which Creation story is the 'Right' one? Wisdom teeth proves Odin created the Heavens and Earth, right? How is that any less probable than your Creation Story?
Reply:If anything, wisdom teeth and the appendix are an argument for Stupid Design or Unintelligent Design as opposed to Intelligent Design (if you really want to ignore all the explanations evolution provides for their existence).
Reply:Evolution does not magically happen, it happens by the death of species resulting in their maladaptive physical features as for the survival of species that are born with features that help them live longer. If humans did not invent dentistry, people born with wisdom teeth would steadily die out from fatal infections of the oral cavity, while the small handful of people born without wisdom teeth would survive and reproduce, this would result in humans without wisdom teeth taking the place of the dying populations of humans with wisdom teeth. But since humans successfully adapted to their environment through developing intellect and an opposable thumb through the evolutionary process, we were able to adapt to the threat of wisdom teeth by inventing dentistry and the ability to pull out the teeth with the help of our hands opposable thumb. As a result, this prevents wisdom teeth from playing a role in our survival as species.

Yes, evolution is still happening to humans to this day. It happens when a person born crippled falls into the ocean and can't swim (don't mean to be cynacle but unfortunatly thats how nature works) or when a person driving their car slowly in the left lane while on their cell phone gets hit by a speeding semi. This contributes to evolution because the person born crippled dies before spreading the gene that creates children born crippled. As for the person that gets hit by a semi while driving slow in the fast lane yaking on their cell phone. His genetic trait of having poor judgement and being inattentive will be eliminated before it spreads to create stupid children.
Reply:and why are all humans at the exact stage in evolutionary developement of having wisdom teeth problems across races ... the more i learn about evolution the less sense it makes .. evolution would tend to have creatures in different locations at varying degrees of evolution imo ...
Reply:You sire, can go stick your theory where the sun shines!
Reply:If god created us then what happened to our appendix? Or did god just give a useless organ for the fun of it.
Reply:I reckon the answer lies with those people who apparently have their wisdom itself painfully removed at an early age.

Reply:Quite the contrary.

Intelligent Design would never have given us wisdom teeth, nor appendix. Nor would our retinas be backward. Nor would we need glasses.

No intelligent design = no intelligent designer.
Reply:Hmm, very interesting.

I'm suprised no one has tried to disprove you yet, or at least argue in defense of evolution.

The last sentence, "Since evolutionarians can't explain wisdom teeth, the Theory of Evolutionism is false" I wouldn't have put cause this alone doesn't completely disprove it.

But, it is a good argument nevertheless. I don't know about the third paragraph but the first two are enough. But, this comes down to a matter of which presupposition you have. If you presuppose that God created everything, you will go with your argument. If you presuppose all is chance and natural phenomena, you will go with the other argument which is that we evolved(and I'm still wondering if we "evolved" why we still have them. aren't we suppose to lose characteristics like that because of natural selection according to the theory?)

Good argument. Keep posting, but don't be offensive(not that you were, just sayin')

finally, When you say, "God was made at Adam and Eve for eating the apple, because it gave them wisdom" I wouldn't agree with cause it was the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

and i have read your profile and I must admit, you are one strange guy, but you are entitled to your profile as much as anyone else
Reply:Wisdom teeth are not really "vestigal." These teeth are not always a burden and can even be a valuable asset to the mouth when healthy and properly aligned. It seems that certain races have more problems than others as well. Also, studies have proved that many of third molars removed, are actually healthy. The removal of all 4 wisdom teeth is a cultural practice. In some countries, only problem teeth are removed. In the UK, for example, only a decayed and/or impacted tooth will be removed.


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