Sunday, August 2, 2009

True or false (see details)?

Are these true or false? First right answer gets picked as best

1. Apples, not caffeine, are more efficient at waking you up in the morning.

2. Alfred Hitchcock didn't have a belly button.

3. A pack-a-day smoker will lose approximately 2 teeth every 10 years.

4. People do not get sick from cold weather; it's from being indoors a lot more.

5. When you sneeze, all bodily functions stop, even your heart!

6. Only 7 per cent of the population are lefties.

7. Forty people are sent to the hospital for dog bites every minute.

8. Babies are born without kneecaps. They don't appear until they are 2-6 years old.

9. The average person over 50 will have spent 5 years waiting in lines.

10. The toothbrush was invented in 1498.

11. The average housefly lives for one month.

12. 40,000 Americans are injured by toilets each year.

13. A coat hanger is 44 inches long when straightened.

14. The average computer user blinks 7 times a minute.

True or false (see details)?
It is unfortunate, but the first person who answered this question was indeed incorrect. The answer was all are true. However all but one of these is true.

Question 5, "when you sneeze, all bodily functions stop, even your heart," is false. I have, in fact, personally witnessed a person sneeze while on an EKG, and the heart did not stop. There was a beat where it should have been. I had heard of this myth before this happened, and when the patient asked for a tissue because he was going to sneeze, I remembered, and looked at the EKG.

I would also like to add I have serious doubts about the legitimacy of the website from which you got your information. The website offers not explanation of who, or how these "facts" were validated.
Reply:Yep its all true i read most of these facts on teh back of a libra pad lol
Reply:Neither. Some are true, some are false.

(examples of falsehoods are #4. Recent studies have found that cold weather makes you more susceptible to catching a cold. Also #6, its just wrong.)
Reply:some are true... some are false...
Reply:Wouldn't the EKG capture the excursion or movement of a sneeze on it? The one I have a problem with is the milk advertising. My understanding is that advertisers can only use the product they are selling in their pictures. Therefore in a cereal advertisement, the milk is likely this mixture. It would be false advertising if it was the mixture for a milk advertisement.


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