Monday, April 20, 2009

Can u use crest white strips on false teeth?

no, whitening product only work on natural teeth. If you have a removable denture you can have your dentist clean in it in the ultra sonic cleaner.If that doesn%26#039;t work than you will need to have a new denture made, If you have a crown or bridge or something like that the only way to whiten it is to have a new one made.

Can u use crest white strips on false teeth?
No they do not work on dentures. If they are yellow you need to ask your dentist if he can whiten them for you. Most likely the stains are permanent as this is not real enamel.
Reply:False teeth needing whiting? If I had false teeth that were yellow,

I%26#039;d just buy new ones as regular dental products don%26#039;t have ingredients that work with plastic or porcelain dentures.
Reply:This may sound strange but it works. My mother had false

teeth, and every night she would take them out and keep

them in a glass in the bathroom. When she wanted to clean

them she would put them in javex for a short time, and what

clean and white teeth she had. It really keeps them clean

and you don%26#039;t have to spend much money on them.
Reply:No. Dentures, crowns, or veneers will not bleach.


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