Saturday, July 25, 2009

Makeup for Teeth?

Ok, tonights the first showing of Pirates of The Caribbean 3. I'm gonna dress up like a pirate. I already have everything else, but I want to see if I can do something with my teeth. I want to make it look like I have a missing tooth or something. Is there some kind of black ink/makeup stuff that's safe for your teeth? Or is there any other way of making a fake "false tooth"?

Makeup for Teeth?
... you could just like get some aluminum foil and use some non-toxic paint on the foil and cover your teeth that way ... or you could go to your local party store and see if they have something there ... i would say you could use some non-toxic washable paint .. but im not sure if it would stain your teeth ... and i dont wanna be responsible for that .. lol

ill look it up and let you know what i find


Reply:Ew makeup on your teeth wouldnt last very long or taste good. Try tinfoil to make it look like a silver tooth. Just make sure you take it out when you go to eat!
Reply:You could try black eyeliner or mascara.
Reply:get an organic eyeliner pencil and shade it over !! i have done this b4!
Reply:go to a party store/costume store. they sell black outs for teeth.
Reply:i don't know if it'd be a good idea at all

unless you find stuff made for your teeth

because it would taste nasty

and probably come off

and end up being all in your mouth

especially if you plan to eat popcorn

i think you'd be happier not wearing

any makeup on your teeth

as long you you have the rest of your costume

i think you'll look fine
Reply:how about you just get beat up and get your tooth knocked out??

that will look wayy more original!
Reply:use black eyeliner and draw over your tooth
Reply:Go to a theater makeup store. I was ina play a few years ago and we had to put on this stuff that made our teeth look knocked out. It's totally safe because it's made for theater.
Reply:See I don't have that problem,

I actually fell down some stairs a few years back, broke one of my front teeth and chipped the otherone,

I'd prolly leave my fake tooth at home for the night,

But I guess that doesn't help you....

but you do get clipon fake teeth at some costume stores...

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