Friday, July 31, 2009

Who was the first person too get a false tooth and what was it made of?

my guess is george washington and wooden teeth lemme see real answer. . . [edit] History

Around 700BC, Etruscans, in northern Italy, made dentures out of human or other animal teeth. These deteriorated quickly but, being easy to produce, were popular until mid 19th century[1]

The first European sets of dentures date from the 15th century and most probably existed before that time. They were carved from bone or ivory, or made up of teeth sourced from graveyards, the recent dead or living donors who exchanged their teeth for profit. These dentures were uncomfortable, attached visibly to a base supported by any remaining teeth with a thread of metal or silk. The false teeth were often made with ivory from the hippopotamus or walrus, and usually rotted after extended use.[citation needed]

London's Peter de la Roche is believed to be one of the first 'Operators for the Teeth', men who fashioned themselves as specialists in dental work. Often these men were professional goldsmiths, ivory turners or students of barber-surgeons.[2]

The first porcelain dentures were made around 1770 by Alexis Duchâteau. In 1791 the first British patent was granted to Nicholas Dubois De Chemant, previously assistant to Duchateau, for De Chemant's Specification, "a composition for the purpose of making of artificial teeth either single double or in rows or in complete sets and also springs for fastening or affixing the same in a more easy and effectual manner than any hitherto discovered which said teeth may be made of any shade or colour, which they will retain for any length of time and will consequently more perfectly resemble the natural teeth." He began selling his wares in 1792 with most of his porcelain paste supplied by Wedgwood.[citation needed] Single teeth in porcelain were made since 1808. Later dentures were made of vulcanite and then, in the 20th century, acrylic resin and other plastics. In Britain in 1968 79% of those aged 65-74 had no natural teeth, by 1998 this proportion had fallen to 36%.[citation needed]

George Washington’s False Teeth

Most people know that our first president had false teeth. I suspect that few people are aware that George Washington was plagued with toothaches most of his adult life. His diaries contain multiple references to dental pain, and this may have contributed to his well-known quick temper. George Washington lost his teeth from periodontal or gum disease. At the time of his inauguration as president, he had only one tooth left. Washington was treated by no fewer than eight prominent dentists who practiced in colonial America, but his favorite was John Greenwood.

Washington had frequent dental problems during his tenure as a general commanding the Continental army. A famous painting of Washington in 1779 shows a scar on his left cheek, believed to be the result of a badly abscessed tooth. One correspondence from Washington to a dentist in 1783 was a request for material to take an impression of his mouth. He would then send the impression back to the dentist for a denture to be made.

Dentist John Greenwood made several sets of dentures for Washington. Despite popular belief, Washington never had wooden dentures. His dentures were made from gold, elephant ivory, hippopotamus tusk, and human teeth. Modern dentures are usually made out of acrylic and porcelain in some cases.

On a humorous note, it appears that Washington complained to Greenwood about discoloring of his dentures. Greenwood suggested that Washington not soak his dentures in Port wine or drink it wearing the dentures. Washington should take the dentures out and soak them in water and clean them with a brush. This advice is not off the mark, even by today’s standards. Of course today we have stronger cleansing agents that can remove denture stains, newer denture brushes, and denture teeth that are more stain resistant. Even so, it appears that our first president’s dentist did an admirable job despite the limitations of dentistry at that time.

Who was the first person too get a false tooth and what was it made of?
Um...George Washington. It was made of wood. Hahaha, I really have no idea, but I was watching the Fairly Oddparents on Nick, and I thought that was funny...

family nanny

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