Saturday, July 25, 2009

Real for false?

being a transvestite i wish to look very girlie.i went to a dentist to see if i could get false teeth fitted to make me look different.they said they have to remove my real teeth to fit false would be painfull and a long job.but id have a better girlie smile.i wanted to do it but i no it will be alot of my question is has anyone every heard of anyone doing this.

Real for false?
Are you serious?
Reply:That doesn't sound right. You could have crowns shaped and fitted without tooth removal.
Reply:Nope, You are the 1st
Reply:No have not heard of anyone doing it.I would keep your own teeth.You will regret it.Good Luck
Reply:dude are u serious?
Reply:Consider having a full mouth makeover rather than having your teeth pulled.

google the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentists and/or the Crown Council to get a referral list of the cream of the crop in this discipline.
Reply:yes its completely normal to do this but is it worth it to lose your real teeth just to look a bit more like a girl
Reply:there are alot of different options that removing them all and having implants. talk to ur dentist about caps or crown. they shave ur teeth and apply a cap. looks like ur own tooth and feels like it. make sure its porcelain and not acrylic. u can veneers in the front where u smile. thats where they shave down the top layer and apply a thin sheet or porcelain. thats like, movie star white perfect teeth. last resort should b implants. y take out ur natural teeth and get totally fake ones? theres no substitute for natural teeth. try and fix the ones u have. TRUST ME :)
Reply:I've know people whose teeth were really bad and that was really the only option to get dentures, why not check into crowns, they are tooth colored and not so painful to get, and less visits to the dentist
Reply:i know someone that had to go 6 times to have 6 teeth done and it was very painful for them, but all turned out for the best.
Reply:Is this another April fool
Reply:no, are you serious?
Reply:why dont u just get whitening strips and a retainer or somethin...???
Reply:ugh don't do it sound bloody horrable. i wouldn't get my teeth pulled out for fake ones. i cant see them being as good or comfable or easy to use. remember you can't get your old teeth back. it also sound expencive and painful.
Reply:nopes never heard of thiss before! so you want all your teeth removed and you then want false teeth i.e dentures? why not just have cosmetic dentistry e.i porcelain veneers!?! alot less painful and wud be better for you in the long run!! good luck tho :)
Reply:Are you mad, dont get rid of your natural teeth, whats the difference between male and female teeth for heavens sake.
Reply:no...just get veneers or have a perfect smile make over that'll be best fitted with your face
Reply:MAybe u could see about getting lumineers!!

My mom has those and they put them over her real teeth and they look great!!
Reply:Please try to keep your own teeth. You will be much happier with them. Maybe see if you can get cosmetic dentistry to change the look of your teeth. Don't get them pulled.
Reply:no, thats rediculous. get a second opinion!


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